Community Navigator Service Evaluation

This is an evaluation of the Community Navigation Service, across the Holistic Assessment Rapid Investigation Team and the GP Practice.


The Community Navigation Service, managed by Healthwatch Merton, connected 363 people (March 2016 - July 2017) across the Holistic Assessment Rapid Investigation Team and the GP Practice (both located at the Nelson Health Centre). Out of the 181 referrals made to the Community Navigation Service there were 105 connections/referrals made to over 25 different organisations/services. Read the latest evaluation of this service. 

Key Findings

  1. Support offered has varied from ad-hoc interventions (HARI patients), telephone consultations (HARI and GP) and up to 8 face to face consultations (GP Patients only) with those with greater and more complex needs
  2. The CNS pilot project has been key to informing the initial direction of the MVSC Social Prescribing Co-ordinator role. The challenges that the CNS faced initially (i.e., importance to have access to EMIS) were addressed before the inception of the Social Prescribing Co-ordinator role
  3. The CNS service has saved valuable GP time with patients. The GP Lead felt that as a result of the CNS that there has been ‘Reduction of GP time (less appointments)’


  1. Patient given information needed on organisations/services CNS should still check if any concerns about whether service still running, is operating a waiting list, etc. These checks help manages patient’s expectations
  2. A detailed review should be undertaken and recommendations produced for a plan to improve the way that Social Prescribing is able to access information about the voluntary sector
  3. A clear set of KPI’s for the CNS should be developed in consultation with the CCG and aspects of the CNS should be aligned with the Social Prescribing Co-ordinator role KPI’s


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 020 8685 2282. 

Community Navigator Service (CNS) Evaluation

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