Patient Access Online Now Offers Proxy Access in Merton

You can now request to act as a proxy for children, relatives and dependants that you care for using Patient Access in Merton.

Healthwatch Merton is pleased see a unique new feature that has been released for Patient Access. You can now request to act as a proxy for children, relatives and dependants that you care for using Patient Access.

If you are an existing Patient Access user with your account linked to your GP practice and you are at the same practice as the relative or person in your care that you wish to act on behalf, your practice will set up access.

Once the practice set up access, the relative or person you wish to act on behalf of will automatically display inside your account.

If you’ve not used Patient Access before

If you have never used Patient Access and you are at the same practice as the relative or person in your care that you wish to act on behalf, your practice will create you as a proxy with a simple online services account.

After your practice has verified any necessary identification (ID), they will then provide you with a registration letter. You can then create your proxy account with those details, following the instructions on-screen in Patient Access.

Once you have logged into your proxy account, you will see any relatives or people that your practice has set up on your dashboard as a button.

Information and Step by Step Guide