New mindfulness-based chemsex recovery programme from Spectra
Spectra have launched a new Mindfulness-Based Chemsex Recovery Programme funded by Public Health England's HIV Innovation Fund, for gay and bisexual men (cis and trans) and men who have sex with men.
This will complement existing provision by providing an intensive group-based intervention grounded in mindfulness practice. The programme is based on the original eight-week Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention model developed by Bowen et al. at the University of Washington, with some adaptations to meet the specificities of working with this client group.
It will be of particular interest to men who have engaged in a prior intervention and who want to continue consolidating and building upon treatment gains. It is hoped the programme will further the excellent evidence base that already exists for mindfulness-based approaches in the field of addiction by taking the MBRP model into HIV prevention and sexual health more broadly.
About The Programme
The programme is being developed and facilitated by Ben Hoff and Bex Freeman of the charity Spectra, with support from Devin Ashwin, Director of Gaia House and Minfulness Based Relapse Prevention Lead for the UK Network of Mindfulness Teachers.
The six-week courses will be held on alternate Saturdays at St Anne's Soho, 55 Dean Street, London beginning in May, with several prior taster sessions, the first of which will take place on Monday 22 April 6-7.30pm.