COVID-19 Snapshot Survey Analysis
At Healthwatch Merton we continue to work with our local council, NHS and other service providers to help them understand the needs of their communities in these challenging times.
We recently asked people to complete our brief COVID-19 online survey to help us get a snapshot of local peoples experience of getting the right information about the coronavirus, the impact of COVID-19 on them or their families, and to get a sense of a patients ability to access their GP and other local Health services during this time.
The survey began mid may and ended 5th June 2020.
Key findings:
80% stated COVID-19 had impacted on them or their family/friends
85% of people had received enough information to minimise infection
53% felt COVID-19 had impacted on them accessing Healthcare services
and 79% had accessed their GP Practice for non COVID-19 related issues
COVID-19 Snapshot survey analysis